7 Tips to Make Your Cat Healthier and Happier

7 Tips to Make Your Cat Healthier and Happier
7 Tips to Make Your Cat Healthier and Happier (Unsplash)

If you’re a cat lover or thinking about adopting one, these 7 practical tips can help improve the quality of life for both the feline and the owner.

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First Aid for Your Kitten

Cinnamon can be a great ally when helping a bleeding kitten, as it acts as a coagulant, which can help stop the bleeding.

Caring for Active Cats

Cats are very curious animals and often get into trouble. For this reason, it’s important to be aware of the dangers and even what could be fatal to your cat.

Is Your Cat Overweight?

Overweight kittens can develop a range of complications and diseases, so it’s important to get your cat to exercise, whether through play or even “working” to get their food. Some toys, for example, allow you to put food inside to encourage cats to play and make the food come out.

How to Cool Down Your Cat

Kittens can suffer in high temperatures, but you can keep them more comfortable during heatwaves by wetting their paws and the tips of their ears.

A Cozier Bed

Cats are attracted to warm places. If you want your cat to stop sleeping beside you in bed, a good tip is to place a heater where you’d like your kitten to sleep every night.

Fresh-Smelling Litter Box

To keep the cat litter smelling fresh, simply mix a bit of baby powder into the clean litter.

A Sand-Free Home

If your cat tends to leave sand tracks around the house, a good tip is to place a sisal mat next to the litter box. The mat’s fibers will capture any sand grains that stick to the cat’s paws and could spread.

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