4 Heart Benefits of Living with Pets, According to the American Medical Association

Check out the benefits. Photo: Reproduction Tamas Pap | Unsplash
Check out the benefits. Photo: Reproduction Tamas Pap | Unsplash

We know pets are great life companions, but do you know the benefits they can bring to heart health?

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Through their Healthy Bond for Life™ initiative, the American Heart Association has revealed four scientifically supported ways pets improve the quality of life and health of their humans.

“Having a pet has been shown to combat stress, increase happiness, and encourage healthy habits like regular physical activity,” said Fontaine Timmer, chair of the American Heart Association board in Palm Beach County.

“Staying active and reducing stress can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which is the number one cause of death in the US, and also keeps your pet healthy. It’s a win-win situation.”

1. Pets make work better

Studies show pets in the workplace can help reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve employee satisfaction.

2. Increased levels of physical activity

Dog owners are more likely to engage in recommended physical activity compared to those without dogs. Studies also show physical activity is associated with a lower risk of diseases and reduced risk of depression.

3. They help us overcome loneliness

When owners see, touch, hear, or talk to their pets, it brings a sense of goodwill, joy, affection, and happiness, which helps suppress stress hormones.

4. Aid in recovery after a cardiovascular event

Studies have shown an association between owning dogs and better health outcomes after a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke.

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