10 possible reasons for your cat’s bad behavior

10 possible reasons for your cat's bad behavior. Illustration: Petepop10 possible reasons for your cat’s bad behavior. Illustration: Petepop

Suddenly, your cat has started peeing everywhere, meowing endlessly throughout the night, or wandering at “odd” times. If health issues have been ruled out by the vet and your pet continues to act inappropriately, here are 10 possible reasons for your cat’s bad behavior.

1. Air fresheners

Anyone with a pet has probably used some type of product to improve the smell of their home. However, cats don’t like strong smells, so avoid placing diffusers near the litter box. To eliminate bad odors without stressing your cat, you can use a layer of activated charcoal or sprinkle some baking soda in the litter box.

2. Essential oils

Have you recently started using essential oils in your home? In this case, your pet might be reacting negatively to the products, especially if they are citrus-based or tree oils. Essential oils can be very beneficial for cats (when used correctly), but they can also be toxic in certain situations. How to fix it? Use only pure, high-quality plant-based oils, such as lavender and chamomile. If the scent is too strong, apply it away from your pet. Sensitive animals will appreciate it.

3. Cleaning products

Chemicals can be very harsh on pets. In addition, some are too fragrant and can stress out cats. Try using natural, pet-safe cleaning products.

4. A new person or pet

Cats are not big fans of change. If a new person or pet has moved into your home, or if you’ve decided to change the furniture and redecorate, the stress of new smells and unusual activities can contribute to your cat’s bad behavior. To resolve this, introduce new things gradually. Cats take longer to adjust to new routines, so be patient and give your pet the time it needs to adapt.

10 possible reasons for your cat's bad behavior. Illustration: Petepop

5. ‘Enemies’ in the area

The presence of a neighborhood cat wandering near your home can make your pet act more aggressively, as it may feel frustrated by its inability to resolve territorial disputes.

6. Boredom

If your cat spends long hours alone or is not feeling stimulated, it will become bored and may develop behavioral problems. Solve this by using toys or smart strategies, like “treasure hunts” with food. An interactive environment can also help keep your pet active. Adding climbing trees, “cat shelves,” or other accessories is a great way to keep your pet entertained.

7. Changes in routine

Routine changes due to illness or moving can sometimes make your cat feel more insecure than usual. If you’ve had to leave town, your pet may display behavioral issues upon your return. It’s not “revenge” for leaving, it’s just how they are coping. Again, introduce changes as gradually as possible. Additionally, find ways to make your cat more social so it can better handle your absence.

8. Holidays and social events

Most cats are introverted. New people or groups can be quite frightening for your feline. Also, help your cat get used to the carrier by teaching them that it’s not a bad thing. In this process, offer a quiet and safe place where your cat can retreat when they feel like it.

9. Loud music

Excessive noise is one of the possible reasons for your cat’s bad behavior. Turn down the volume or use headphones. Alternatively, switch to classical music. Bach and Mozart seem to work particularly well with cats. You can also create a special playlist for pets and play it when you’re not at home.

10. Human stress

If you’ve lost a job, said goodbye to a family member or another pet, there’s a good chance your cat is sensing your stress. Take advantage of your pet’s natural ability to help ease your anxiety. A cat’s purring can help slow your heart rate and relax you. Our pets are better than antidepressants!

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